Order iota magazine...
There are a number of ways for you to order the magazine:
North American orders:
Iota magazine is now being distributed in North America by our partners there Ascanius - The Youth Classics Institute. Please go HERE to order from them
All other orders:
The new issue of Iota (issue 8)
This is only available as an e-version at a cost of 99 pence! You can purchase it by clicking on the below button and we will send your your pdf as soon as possible (NB we are unable to accept orders for the e-version from North America - please order through Ascanius).
E version Only 99p!
Back issues are still available in print
You can order by post at:
iota magazine, Orders, 24 Green Ridges, Headington, Oxford OX3 8PL
Cheques payable to: The Iris Project.
If you have any query then please send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For multiple copies please email us for prices
You can pay online here (using Paypal or credit card):
To order a single copy of any issue 1-5 (please say which issue you require):