In my wilder moments I like to think that I am rather like Odysseus: a man of wide-ranging spirit, cunning, and able to navigate the storms of life. Of course, like all heroes I am brave. But as I ...
Read more: Iris chat with Charlotte Higgins
It isn’t surprising that Rome’s Underground/Metro system is smaller than that of London’s - after all, Rome has just 2.7million inhabitants to London’s 8 million+ (though did you know that ...
Read more: When in Rome use the underground
Before the poet Catullus took up his stylus and poured his heart out onto wax and papyrus, men and women of the world fell in love with one another just as they do now and just as they will do until ...
Read more: Catullus: the most loved of love poets
Tory chief whip Andrew Mitchell has been in the news recently for allegedly calling a couple of policemen ‘plebs’. This appears to be unacceptable. So why has this word caused so much trouble for ...
Read more: Who are you calling a Pleb?